‘I hope people who view the work are transported to a time and place where they have felt peace and calm in their own lives.’ Martine Zajacek

Artist Martine Zajacek wearing a blue cardigan and a scarf.

Collage artist Martine Zajacek will be one of the incredible artists in Tyger’s upcoming group show, Living in Another World.

Tyger is so excited to welcome the superb collage artist Martine Zajacek to the gallery for our upcoming abstract landscapes show, Living in Another World.

The show brings together around 40 artists from all over the country to show us the world we know and love through an abstracted lens.

Register now for our opening celebrations of Living in Another World - Saturday 20 April, 2-4pm.

Ahead of the show, Martine told us about treasure hunting in antique and vintage books, rescuing and recreating materials, and how her work in the show signals a new creative direction.

How would you describe your work? 

“Richly layered and textured, inviting the viewer to step closer to see the detail and discover the work is an analogue collage made from vintage printed papers and ephemera. Use of colour and composition are features of my work.”

Where and how do you create your work? 

“I create my work in my home studio, full of antique and vintage books and papers and ephemera and postage stamps and other things.” 

“Finding these materials is a bit like a treasure hunt. The oldest elements I've used are text pages from an antique book from the 1850s. Cataloguing and organising all this material is a huge task, but also very enjoyable.”

What inspires you? 

“I'm inspired by the antique and vintage materials and my desire to rescue them and recreate them into something else. I trained and worked as a graphic designer for many years, so I appreciate the technical and creative skills that were required to create these books in a time before computers and huge digital printing presses. The materials I find directly inspire the collages I create.”

What do you hope people feel when they see your work? 

“In general, I want people to be in awe of the detail, texture, colour and age of the materials I use, and the fact they have survived intact for decades.”

“For this specific work, my abstract coastal landscape, I'd like people to feel the peace and calm you feel when you walk along the beach, surrounded by the sand sea and sky. I hope when they view the work they are transported to time and place where they have felt that peace and calm in their own lives.”

“This is my first collage landscape, and I hope it signals a new creative direction for my collage work.”

Living in Another World runs from 19-28 April at Tyger Gallery in Yass. The online catalogue for the show will go out to subscribers in the week before opening. Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss out.

Living in Another World runs from 19-28 April at Tyger Gallery in Yass. The online catalogue for the show will go out to subscribers in the week before opening. Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss out.


“My goal is to convey the beauty and emotion inherent in the landscape.” Chris Sutton


“I want to give people a sense of curiosity with safety, and invite discovery with a sense of play and timelessness - kind of like Dune and Art Attack had a baby.” Bravo Domino