Copyright information

The Tyger Gallery website and all works displayed and sold by Tyger Gallery whether in our physical gallery or online are protected by the Copyright Act, 1968.

Here at Tyger Gallery we have a deep respect for artists and the wonderful art that they create and sell. Their art enriches our lives and the society we live in.

We want their beautiful art to be seen and loved by many and to inspire others to bring art and creativity into their homes.

We acknowledge and respect Artists as the copyright owner of their work and we expect this from visitors and patrons to our gallery, our website and social media channels.

All art displayed and sold by Tyger Gallery including on our website is copyright protected and this copyright belongs to the Artist. Copyright in an artwork lasts for the lifetime of the Artist plus 70 years. Artists are also protected by copyright in most other countries. The website content is copyright to Tyger Gallery.

We would love you to share our art, our artists and content found through Tyger Gallery with friends and family and through social media. You are welcome to use images and information for private use or study. But we ask that you always credit the artist and the name of the work. We also ask that you credit Tyger Gallery as appropriate.

If you wish to adapt, reproduce, create derivative works or publish any art work or part of the website for commercial use or any other act that is not specifically allowed for under the Copyright Act 1968, you must first seek permission from the artist or from Tyger Gallery. All requests should be directed to

Resale Royalties may also be applicable in some cases should you commercially resell art you have bought. For more information on this and on copyright you can find some excellent information and factsheets at the Australian Copyright Council website.

Privacy policy

Tyger Gallery is dedicated to the protection of your personal information. Any information that you provide to Tyger Gallery through this website will only be used by us. No information is passed on to any third parties.


The content on the Tyger website is provided for information purposes and to help tell the story of our artists and their art. Where the views or recommendations of third parties are given, these do not necessarily reflect the views of Tyger Gallery.

Linked websites

This website may contain links to other web sites. Those links are provided for your convenience and as hard as we try they may not always be current.

Links to those web sites should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference by us of the owners or operators of those web sites, or for any information, products or services referred to on those other web sites.

Despite our best efforts, the Tyger Gallery makes no warranties that our website is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination.