Rozalie Sherwood

Artist Rozalie Sherwood wearing glasses and sat on an office chair.

Artist Rozalie Sherwood. Photo by Fiona Bowring.

Rozalie Sherwood is an artist who works from her home studio in Canberra. She has been using inks and acrylics on linen, and favours the medium for their refusal to be tightly controlled.

After drawing with ink and acrylic, she uses a sewing machine needle as if it were a pen or pencil - with a technique that allows movement in any direction - to create variations in tone and depth. The stitching holds, contains and supports the story being told.

Rozalie studied in the textiles workshop at the ANU School of Art. Having worked in the fashion industry as a practitioner and then teacher, she has refined her use of textiles and uses her familiarity with cloth, fibres and the tools of the textile trade to her advantage, to develop ways of working that convey her ideas through artmaking.

By creating work that embodies the emotion generated by a story or experience, her work becomes a container for stories. She prefers intuitive line-making to precision, and embraces and highlights the accidental.

Rozalie has exhibited often in recent years, in several Australian states and overseas. Highlights have been inclusion in the Surface and Depth exhibition as part of 2021 Rome Art Week in Italy, and winning First Prize in the 2021 Brunswick Street Gallery Small Works Art Prize.

She is a member of various groups, including Networks Australia and the UK Society for Embroidered Work. This has led to rewarding opportunities to exhibit and collaborate.