Our new artist social night: The Commons


Registrations are open now for The Commons #1 on 30 August, 6-8pm.

Artists: we invite you to join us at Tyger for a relaxed, informal, social evening on Friday 30 August from 6-8pm.

The event - The Commons - will be the first in a regular series (we hope) of artist meetup events. You’ll need to register so we have an idea of numbers, but other than that all you have to do is turn up.

Tyger is a mission-driven gallery, and a key part of that mission is our passion to create opportunities for artists to develop their practice and careers. We are proud to meet that mission through our thriving program of shows and activities, but The Commons is an opportunity for us to support artists in another way.

The event will have no presentations, no agenda, no PowerPoint slides, no action items and definitely no minutes. It’s simply an opportunity for artists to spend some time with and chat to other artists while enjoying a drink or two in the beautiful surrounds of Tyger Gallery.

We know that being an artist can be a tough life, however rewarding it is. And the often-solitary nature of creating means opportunities to talk with contemporaries about obstacles they’ve faced, challenges they’ve tackled, and tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way are limited.

The Commons is our small, friendly, informal and fun way of addressing that. If people like it, and think it’s worthwhile, we’ll do it on a semi-regular basis.

Why have we called it The Commons? Well, we’re picking up on an ancient idea. As Professor Guy Standing writes in his (excellent) book Plunder of the Commons:

The commons refers to all our shared natural resources - including the land, the forests, the moors and parks, the water, the minerals, the air - and all the social, civic, and cultural institutions that our ancestors have bequeathed to us, and that we may have helped to maintain or improve. It also includes the knowledge that we possess as a society, built on an edifice of ideas and information constructed over the centuries.

So for us, The Commons as an event is a way to create a space to share that knowledge and build those social connections - a place that artists can choose to use how they wish. 

We don’t mind if you just want to come and have a drink with us, or talk with the other artists about whatever you wish to, or pick the Tygers’ brains about working with galleries. Use the opportunity however you want - we’ll just be delighted to share some time with you.

Got questions? Email us or give us a call on 0466 243 684. You can register here. The event is open to all artists. See you there.


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