Laura Prochowski’s ‘Life Needs to Move’ opens at Tyger

Two photos - one of three abstract artworks, the other of Virginia Haussegger talking to Laura Prochowski at the opening of her show 'Life Needs to Move'.

Top: Some of the beautiful artworks in ‘Life Needs to Move’. Below: Virginia Haussegger AM talks with Laura Prochowski at the opening of ‘Life Needs to Move’.

What a beautiful evening at Tyger Gallery as we celebrated the opening of Laura Prochowski’s stunning new show, Life Needs to Move.

A big crowd of art lovers from near and far gathered at the gallery to see this collection of 18 amazing new works from abstract artist Prochowski.

The event began with a welcome from Head Tyger Martyn Pearce, who then introduced Virginia Haussegger AM to officially open the show.

In a delightful opening address, Virginia talked about the incredible and powerful sense of movement in Laura’s work, and the experience of seeing the works in the show in person.

She also congratulated Tyger on its mission to support artists and bolster the community and its achievements so far.

Visitors were then treated to a talk from Laura Prochowski, and the artist took time afterwards to answer questions from the visiting art lovers.

Life Needs to Move is open now at Tyger, and runs until 12 November. The gallery is open 10-4pm, Friday to Sunday, and all the works from the show are online.

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