White Fish Two | Sam Suttie


61cm x 61cm | Oil on canvas | Unframed.

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  • Sam Suttie was born in South Africa and made the move to Australia in 2008.

    ​Working from her home studio perched on the South Eastern side of Mount Tamborine, Queensland, she is able to immerse herself in her craft.

    ​Her work mainly depicts elements from nature composed as still life arrangements. These arrangements are created in her imagination with the use of reference material and sometimes three dimensional objects.

    ​She has a keen interest in political, religious, climate and social topics and hopes to incorporate more of these elements into her work going forward.

  • "The birds in most of my painting are always a little lost. They are surveying the area in survival mode."

    "In some paintings they are messengers returning from outside the cave (Plato), in others they consciousness looking back at you."

    "In the white fish scene the hummingbirds have descended to bring life and hope to an otherwise very still and shallow life."

    Sam Suttie, 2024

Wishbowl and orchid | Sam Suttie
Alternate View | Sam Suttie
Nest | Sam Suttie
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Green Fish Two | Sam Suttie